Register for this week’s Virtual ParentCamp! New! One room ALL in Spanish!

2020-04-01 Virtual ParentCamp

Virtual ParentCamp! Choose from 5 sessions (you suggested) including one in Spanish!
©ParentCamp, 2019, All Rights Reserved

We had a fantastic time connecting last week, so we are back to for Week 2.  You submitted session ideas, we found facilitators and so let’s do this!  We are thrilled to have facilitators from seven different states! Wow! Talking about coming together.

We have one change for this week, in order to keep the party crashers out, we will need you to register.  You will be able select which Room you wish to attend in advance, but just like our Face to Face ParentCamps, you will be able to change Rooms if you wish.   Please login by 8:20 pm ET so we can start promptly at 8:30 pm ET.

Scroll down to register.

Room 1 – [Strengthen] Virtual and Home Learning for Student Engagement and Motivation

Facilitator:  Ericka Mabion (@3TrailsMabion), STEM Teacher, iSpark Coordinator (K-8) PLTW, Kansas City Public Schools (MO)

Facilitator:  Amy Casey, PhD (@Aimster70), Principal, North Kansas City Schools (MO)

Room 2 – [Strengthen] Worried about Finances? Tips, strategies, resources to help you right now

Facilitator:  Randy Williams (@adebtcoach), President, A Debt Coach (KY)

Room 3 – [Connect] Building Trust & Relationships between Family, School and Community

Facilitator:  Neil Gupta (@drneilgupta), Director of Secondary Schools, Worthington Schools (OH)

Facilitator:  Jay Posick (@posickj), Principal, Merton School District (WI)

Facilitator :  Rae Hughart (@RaeHughart), 6th Grade Teacher, Unit 5 School District (IL), Director of Training and Development for the Teacher Better Team

Room 4 – [Connect]  How to Support our Special Needs Children right now

Facilitator:  Jeremy Bond (@JeremyDBond), Parent Leader, CT State Education Resource Center (CT)

Facilitator:  Kristin Kane (@KristinMatzKane), Co-founder DeCoding Dyslexia (VA), Senior Advisor, Early Childhoold Dev at US Department of Health & Human Services

Room 5 – [Connect] Home-School Connections:  Do you feel connected? What do you need? (All in Spanish)

Facilitator:  Theresa Cruz, Hispanic Family Engagement Coordinator with Learning Grove in Covington, KY

Zoom works on almost any device, you may need to download the app.  Login instructions are below.  Come as you are, there are NO judgements in ParentCamp!

Each Wednesday night starting at 8:30 pm ET (note an earlier time) and going for 1 hour, we will be having a weekly Virtual ParentCamp!  Just as in a face-to-face ParentCamp, YOU will get to suggest the sessions each week (submitted by Saturday at noon, we will arrange the facilitators, you will join us on Zoom, you pick the session you wish to attend, law of two feet (or mouse clicks) still apply, you can leave the room and join another if you wish.  It is going to be great!

#VirtualParentCamp #ParentCampChat #ParentCamp #FSCI #PLN #FACE #FCE #FSCE #FamilySchoolCommunityIntegration #FamilySchoolCommunityEngagement #ParentEngagement #FamilyEngagement #CircleUp #SupportEachOther #Zoom #PearDeck

We would like to thank our ParentCamp strategic partners:  PearDeck and Cerkl, their tools have been invaluable to us here at ParentCamp!

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#ParentCamp #FSCI #FACI #FamilySchoolCommunityIntegration #VirtualParentCamp #FSCE #FACE

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