About Virtual ParentCamp

ParentCamp is a transformational Family-School-Community Engagement Model designed to build a connected school ecosystem of caring and supportive adults surrounding our kids. ParentCamps are not the traditional stand and deliver sessions but facilitated dialogue where the entire room is the expert and everyone brings important and unique perspectives to the table.

The Design of the Traditional Family Engagement Model is Compliance Conditions. Compliance conditions keep people in “lanes” or “silos.” The Design of the Virtual ParentCamp Model is two-fold: Equality Conditions plus Purpose. Equality Conditions at a Virtual ParentCamp mean every person can be a learner and leader for kids, with the opportunity to go to any session at any time. Equality conditions mean every person can talk, listen, encourage, and connect with others as it feels right to them. Purpose at a Virtual ParentCamp means family, school and community decide not only the session topics but also the purposes around the topics–connect, strengthen and collaborate. Purpose is the secret sauce that leads to Family-School-Community Collective Efficacy.

Welcome to a new lived experience of “Family-School-Community Engagement” where each person can bring their abundant gifts to ParentCamps and together create a world where kids feel happy, healthy and strong.   

Welcome to a level playing field and a unique family engagement experience every single ParentCamp.

This is how you Transform school culture and education.

One hour at a time. 

One Virtual ParentCamp at a time.

We would like to invite you to join us in our nationwide Virtual ParentCamp “model classroom” every other Wednesday night. Come see what joyful family-school-community engagement looks like, sounds like, and feels like. Register at www.parentcamp.org/events. We are training school teams of 8 people in the Virtual ParentCamp Model. We think you’ll be pleased to know the teams are made up of family, school and community!

Find us here: www.parentcamp.org and www.linktr.ee/parentcamp

Listen to our stories of Impact on our YouTube Channel – This is just a sampling:

Laura explains what Virtual ParentCamp is about:

Our friend Teresa Cruz from Learning Grove explains Virtual ParentCamp in Spanish.  Thank you Teresa!

What do attendees say about Virtual ParentCamp?  Head to our Heard at Virtual ParentCamp page to say what they have to say.

If you would like to host your own Virtual ParentCamp, please visit our Services – Virtual ParentCamp page for information on training and resources.

Check out how many states where participants for Virtual ParentCamp live! (updated each week)

Virtual ParentCamp has gone global!  We have participants from three countries so far!

Virtual ParentCamp Participants Global Map thru 2021-07-28