Looks like we are going to have an Empowering Kind of Week on Virtual ParentCamp!

Virtual ParentCamp Logo

Can you believe it?!  March Madness has started, clocks have sprung forward and the first day of spring is upon us!  The first day of spring is bittersweet for me, it is usually my mom’s birthday and she passed away in 2014 from Alzheimers/dementia.  I smile when I see the tulips and daffodils start to peak through the ground and think of her. So who is ready for a Virtual ParentCamp?  We had to take a little break again, we have been out traveling, training schools and supporting them along…

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Sharing some thoughts about Virtual ParentCamp from some of our attendees


ParentCamp is something different in the Family-School-Community Engagement realm. It is hard to explain and we encourage people to attend one to experience it. We love getting feedback from those who attend, so we are going to start sharing them. If you would like to learn more about bringing ParentCamp or one of our family of camps to your school or district,  please reach out to Julie or Laura. Feel free to schedule a time on one of their calendars to chat. We would love to walk on your family-school-community engagement journey with…

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Robidoux Middle School’s first-ever ParentCamp!

We had a great time attending Robidoux Middle schools for their first-ever ParentCamp in Missouri. ParentCamp was very excited to be growing its family-school community. There were several great sessions that took place the other night. We are looking forward to future ParentCamp events with Robidoux Middle School! Stay tuned for our Stories of Impact! If you would like to learn more about bringing ParentCamp or one of our family of camps to your school or district, please reach out to Julie or Laura. Feel free to schedule a time…

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ParentCamp is thrilled to work with Gary (IN) Public Schools to train 10 family-school-community engagement teams!

ParentCamp is excited to announce that we will be working with Gary Indiana Public schools to train all of their teams on the ParentCamp model. We are looking forward to training their teams on both Monday, February 14, and Tuesday, February 15 to build the family school community, and the ParentCamp community. #ParentCamp #FamilySchoolCommunityEngagement #FamilySchoolCommunityIntegration #FSCE #FSCI #GaryIndianaPublicSchools

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