The below was provided by Saturday Salon, see you tonight! They come from South America, Asia, Europe and Africa – from Albania to Zimbabwe. Meet the new face of student enrollment in Boone County, Kentucky. As migrants and refugees have settled in this fast-growing county south of Cincinnati, the school district has boosted resources to educate its “English Learners.”
Our guest speaker Nancy Daly (@Nancy_Daly) published an article about the trend, “Cultural change spoken in 64 languages at Boone County Schools,” in March. Readers told her they had no idea the number of foreign students was so high. “I love it when an article causes readers to go, ‘I didn’t know that!'” Nancy says. Her story explores the reasons why Boone County was primed for multicultural population growth.
Julie Pile (@juliepile), a nationally known education advocate, will join Nancy to shed light on changing school trends. The former Boone (@Boone_County) school board member was recently appointed to the Kentucky Board of Education. Julie is co-founder and president of ParentCamp. This national nonprofit offers virtual and in-person training across the United States for school communities, focusing on family-school-community engagement.
We look forward to welcoming you! See you at the Salon.
-Eva and Heidi
Date and Time: Saturday, June 10, 2023 at 5pm EST / 2pm PST
Zoom Information:
Meeting ID: 812 3854 9997
Upcoming Salons:
June 17 – Stuart M. Gerson – acting United States Attorney General during the Clinton Administration and member of President George H.W. Bush’s Administration – Exploring some of the politics around American polarization: The issues that are dividing our country and fomenting authoritarianism both here and in many other places around the world.
June 24 – Eric Patterson – president of the Religious Freedom Institute and research fellow with the Georgetown University Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs.
Our Guests:

Nancy Daly is a veteran Kentucky and Cincinnati journalist, now freelancing with the online magazine Soapbox Cincinnati. The University of Kentucky graduate is an “Army brat” who found a home in Kentucky, a stone’s throw from Boone County. Her hobbies include reading, photography, and playing the Alphabet Game on Zoom with five siblings across the globe. Recent work

Julie Pile first became engaged in her children’s school when her daughter was in kindergarten. The PTA was looking for help with their website. She had just completed an overhaul of her employer’s website and felt she could contribute her talents. In that she was a full-time working mom and the website could be done outside of school hours, it was a way she could help without being physically present at the school. Through those first years of attending PTA meetings, she felt she was not part of the “in crowd” and was sure other parents felt the same. She was determined to make a difference and make it so that all parents/families felt welcomed at PTA functions.
Eventually she became President of the PTA and at the same time was invited to participate in a program sponsored by the The Prichard Committee for Educational Excellence called The Commonwealth Institute for Parent Leadership. This program gave her the knowledge and tools to start working even more closely with her children’s schools.
Julie can be often be found on Twitter chats leading discussions on getting more families, guardians, mentors and the community involved in education. Opening doors and changing cement walls to glass walls. Julie was appointed to the Kentucky Board of Education on May 30, 2023. In 2018 she was elected to the Boone County School Board and has served as a Parent Ambassador in the Boone County School System. Also in 2018, she was named to the inaugural class of the EdTrust Fund Parent Fellowship class. In 2017, Julie was named the inaugural recipient of the Beverly Nickels Raimondo Kentucky Parent Leadership Award named after the found of the Commonwealth Institute for Parent Leadership. In 2015 she was recognized as the Bammy Award People’s Choice Parent Leadership recipient. She has served in multiple PTA positions including Vice President of Communications for the Kentucky State PTA and past President of the recently formed Boone County High School PTSA.
Julie is a board member of RefugeeConnect and a member of a local group to support Hispanic families, FIESTA NKY.
Article which Nancy wrote about Julie and ParentCamp:

#ParentCamp #BooneCounty #Kentucky #ELL #MLL #Inclusion #FamilyEngagement #TranslateLive #FSCE