2021-06-30 Virtual ParentCamp


We have missed you! We hope you all have taken some time for family and self-care! ParentCamp, 2016-2021, All Rights Reserved End of the school year seemed almost busier than usual, hopefully everyone is into summer mode with a little relaxing and spending time with family.  We are excited to be back after a month break! Virtual ParentCamp is an opportunity for each and everyone of us to have an affect on our children, bloodline or not, children for generations to come.  And all it costs is one hour of…

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We had a great time at #ESEAConference Today!


We had a great time with everyone at #ESEAConference today talking about the ParentCamp family-school-community integration model. We had a full session! Wow! Thank you especially to everyone who participated! Wasn’t using PearDeck fun? Great speakers today and many more to come. We are so thankful to the ESEA Network for having us back again this year. Great conference with so many amazing people! #ParentCamp #VirtualParentCamp #FamilySchoolCommunityIntegration #FSCI #ESEAConference #TitleI

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The Groundhog has nothing on us, there is always sunshine and smiles at Virtual ParentCamp!


The Groundhog has nothing on us, there is always sunshine and smiles at Virtual ParentCamp!  ©ParentCamp, 2016-2021, All Rights Reserved We are not going to let the groundhog’s prediction of six more weeks of winter get us down.  No, we are going to stay positive, connect, enjoy each other’s company and the conversation at Virtual ParentCamp. Registration is open for the February 10, Virtual ParentCamp, just visit our Events page:  www.parentcamp.org/events. Please make sure you have downloaded/updated to the latest version of Zoom!  Either download an update to your tablet/phone…

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Register now for January 27th Virtual ParentCamp, it is going to be amazing!!


Register now for January 27th Virtual ParentCamp, it is going to be amazing!!  ©ParentCamp, 2016-2021, All Rights Reserved We are going to get right to it, we have an amazing line up this week with a wide diversity of topics and amazing facilitators!  Our graphic for this week was so large, we had to split it into two! Registration is open, just visit our Events page:  www.parentcamp.org/events. Please make sure you have downloaded/updated to the latest version of Zoom!  Either download an update to your tablet/phone or download the update…

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It is 2021 and Virtual ParentCamp is back!


We are so excited to kick off Virtual ParentCamp in 2021! A great way to learn, connect, strengthen and collaborate!  ©ParentCamp, 2016-2021, All Rights Reserved Join us for our first Virtual ParentCamp of 2021 on January 13, 2021 at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT.  We have missed everyone but hope you all have had a restful, healthy and enjoyable holiday break!  Registration is open, just visit our Events page:  www.parentcamp.org/events. Please make sure you have downloaded/updated to the latest version of Zoom!  Either download an update to your tablet/phone or…

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