Thank you ClassTag for inviting ParentCamp to join you in Georgia today! Loved the conversations about how we can reach out to families and get them connected. Thank you everyone for participating in Wave Therapy! #ParentCamp #ClassTag #Communication #Connection
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Partnerships – ParentCamp is built upon them
ParentCamp is happy to partner with our good friends over at the Northern Kentucky Education Council for their Fall Convening. They needed some Zoom help, so who better to ask? The best part? The key note speakers for the Fall Convening will be joining us that night on Virtual ParentCamp! Did we plan that timing well or not? Thank you to Dr. Poe for your continued support and partnership with ParentCamp. We love being part of the conversation in re-imagining education and family engagement! #ParentCamp #VirtualParentCamp #NKYEC #NorthernKentuckyEducationCouncil #Education #Partnerships…
Read MoreRegistration is open for November 18th Virtual ParentCamp!
©ParentCamp, 2016-2020, All Rights Reserved Registration is open for the November 18th Virtual ParentCamp and you are not going to want to miss it! BUT we need you to do one thing before you join us, upgrade your ZOOM! Either download an update to your tablet/phone or download the update on your computer. You may ask why??? With the new version, you will be able to change rooms on your own! Even though Julie will miss seeing you all in the main room, you can now change rooms by…
Read MoreMonday, November 9th, Last day to sign-up for Parents as Talent Developers Voxer Book Chat/Study
Join us starting Monday, November 9th and running for about a month for a ParentCamp Voxer Book Chat! Dr. Sheilah Jefferson-Isaac (@7dreamkeepers) and Dr. Brenda Williams Harewood (co-author) (@docbwilliams) have lead several discussions of Parents as Talent Developers on Virtual ParentCamp. They have been very popular, so we are providing an opportunity for people to read the book together and discuss it. “This book give minority parents (African American, Latino) the tools they need to help their children perform much better in school. Kernels are seeds in the plant world.…
Read MoreIt’s time for RADICAL Family Engagement Week!
Are you ready??? It is time for RADICAL Family Engagement Week and ParentCamp is excited to get the week kicked off! ParentCamp is over the moon excited to partner with the US Department of Human Services – Administration for Children & Families and the US Department of Education to dig deep into family engagement so we can connect, strengthen and collaborate with each other. Laura Gilchrist, (@LauraGilchrist4) Vice President of ParentCamp (@ParentCamp) shares a few words to welcome you to the experience on Monday, October 26th starting at 1:30 pm.…
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