Join host April F. Draine as she chats with ParentCamp Vice President Laura Gilchrist and seasoned ParentCamp Coach Emily Howell in this insightful episode. Emily shares her journey from being an educator involved with EdCamps to becoming a pivotal part of the ParentCamp movement. Learn about the magic of ParentCamp’s dialogue-driven model, the transformative power of sitting in circles instead of rows, and how intentional relationship-building can significantly bridge gaps between schools, parents, and communities. Emily provides compelling stories of personal growth, authentic community-building, and the positive impact ParentCamp has on schools and families alike.
Show Notes:
- Introduction with Emily Howell and Laura Gilchrist
- Emily Howell’s journey from EdCamp to ParentCamp coach
- The importance of authentic dialogue and community building
- Challenges and triumphs from early ParentCamp coaching experiences
- Practical strategies to enhance parent-teacher relationships
- Real-life success stories of community transformation
- Vision for future ParentCamp engagement in education
- Wrap-up discussion: making ParentCamp “the way we do things”
Key Takeaways:
- Authentic dialogue and intentional relationships are key to effective family-school-community engagement.
- ParentCamp’s model moves away from traditional presentations to meaningful, interactive conversations.
- Simple changes, such as seating arrangements, can significantly alter the dynamics of engagement and communication.
- True community-building happens when everyone’s voice is heard, fostering trust and collective empowerment.
Show Notes:
- Episode Title: Building Community Through Dialogue: Inside ParentCamp Coaching
- Hosts: April F. Draine
- Guest: Dr. Emily Howell, Coach, ParentCamp and Laura Gilchrist, Vice-President
- Topics Discussed: Power of dialogue
- Resources Mentioned:
- ParentCamp Community on Might Networks –
- EdCamp powered by Digital Promise –
- Call to Action:
- Visit the ParentCamp website ( to learn more and bring ParentCamp to your school or district
- Sign up for the ParentCamp Newsletter –
- Join us for our monthly Virtual ParentCamp – Sign-up for our Mighty Networks Community –
- Share your experiences with family-school partnerships on social media using #ParentCamp #TheParentCampPodcast
- Connect with Us:
- ParentCamp’s Website:
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- Laura Gilchrist LinkedIn:
- Laura Gilchrist Twitter:
- April F. Draine Linktree –
For more information and to listen to the episode visit Apple, Spotify or on ParentCamp’s Podcast YouTube Playlist.
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